Monday, October 3, 2011

And, She gets even.....

Every once in a while, (every chance she gets) my wonderful wife will get even with me.
This particular time, it was yard work day.
I had been teaching one of the boys to mow the lawn.
I had given him basic instructions, started the lawn mower and now it is time to cut the grass.
I am standing in the yard with my glass of ice tea proudly watching the progress.
My wife comes out and sees that I'm supervising(not doing anything), and grabs the weedeater.
She starts trimming around the shrubs and mailbox.
This is when it gets real good. :)
A car full of people comes driving by with all of the windows down.
As the car passes the yard, she kills the weedeater, and turns to me and in her best Mexican accent yells out "it look ok sir, it look ok"..................

I was speechless....
I have to say, I completely deserved it!!!!

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