This should be viewed solely as an educational blog. Everything that you see here is all from my very own personal experiences.(and too good to not share)
Monday, October 31, 2011
Accidentally or Intentionally
None at all......
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Mexican or Spanish
The words on the salsa bottles are in Spanish and not Mexican.
Not only should I not say this around my wife, but I should also refrain from such statements around her family.
Friday, October 21, 2011
A Short Lunch
As we walk in to the restaurant, the person at the door greeted us and then proceeded to ask if there were only 3 people on our party.
I couldn't help it, the words came out before I had a chance to stop them.
I pointed at my wife, and said "No, 2 and 1/2 people"
I was smacked....
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
While walking down the hall at work with the wife, she hangs up with him and begins to dial the next number....
I jokingly suggested that we trade him in for a less troublesome model. I was very promptly informed that maybe she should trade me in for a less troublesome model.
I let her know that it would be difficult for her to find someone willing to take me.
She finished dialing the number and told me she was calling her mother.
I popped off that it would do her no good to call her, she wouldn't be able to help her when it comes to finding someone to take me.
Oh, There's wood there....
She came in with a new candle holder thingy that attaches to the wall.
She proceeds to get out a hammer and nails.
Then she puts the first nail in the wall. All goes as expected.
As she goes to put the second nail in the wall, I hear tap, tap, thud.
Sounding very surprised, she proclaims, "Hey, there's wood there!!".
This struck me as funny, and I asked if she had expected something different... such as styrofoam,....
I was called mean!!!
(This, by the way, was the story referenced earlier this week)
Monday, October 17, 2011
Never ever......
She turned to ask what was just said, I very blindly popped off "We were talking about you, not too you"...
This will get a person in trouble.
You don't have to leave
She just happened to show up after I had finished telling a story about her to a friend of mine.
(The story will be posted later this week.)
As she turned to go back to training, she said she would leave so we could talk about her.
This is where I "goofed".
I very politely informed her that she doesn't have to leave for us to talk about her.
My co-workers got to witness spousal abuse, although I must admit, I did deserve.
I wonder what deviant plan she has in store to get even with me.
Local News Story
I told our dog to pay attention. :)
My wonderful wife informed me that our dog was too short to be able to drive anything, much less a riding mower.
I then suggested we let the dog use her booster seat she uses when driving.......
I can safely add this to the list of things not to say to my wife.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Things not to do while driving.....
She paused for a minute to reply to a message on her phone.
I patiently waited for her to continue speaking.
In the brief moment before she responded.....
I had this overwhelming, uncontrollable urge to give her a wet willie.....
Apparently, I am not supposed to do that... And she is allowed to retaliate while I am driving.
I think my arm is bruised....
Never follow up with......
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Me... work....
She gets even, again.......
For the last couple of weeks I have been limping around.
The doctor told me that I tore my calf muscle.
I'm not sure how I did it... if I knew how I did it, I wouldn't do it again.
Today after speaking to a co-worker, I turned wrong and re-injured my calf.
I go ahead and sit back down at my desk to prevent further injury.
My wonderful wife gets released from training for lunch and comes to my desk so we can go and eat.
As I limp away from my desk, she asks "What did you do this time?"
I look at her and point to my leg, and pathetically say "I did it again".
On the spot, she gave me a new nickname....
She looks at me and says "I think I will just start calling you Brittany Spears"........
I don't even know how to get even with that one.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Organizing the garage.
My wife and I recently bought a new house.
We waited patiently as it was built, and couldn't wait to move in once it was completed.
Once we had the keys, it was time to move.
In the time span of a weekend, we had everything moved into the new house.
Now for the fun part, getting settled in. My wife coordinated most of where everything was to be placed inside the house. I was there for moral support and physical labor.
The garage, was mine. I was free to organize it however I saw fit(as long as she was happy with it).
Once the inside of the house was mostly done, it was time to start on the garage, time to start looking for all of the boxes containing things that we couldn't seem to find while unpacking. We found most of what we were looking for, chunked some stuff, and restacked and restacked until there was enough room to fit her car in the garage.
I spent several weekends trying to organize the garage. We got rid of many things, and did more restacking. The last weekend I set out to finally get the garage all organized, I got up early and got a good start. Several hours later, I was proud to say, that I was finally happy with the results.
I wander into the house and announce that the garage is finished and ask my wonderful wife to take a look and put her stamp of approval on my progress.
She wanders out to the garage, looks around nice and slow.
Then with a big evil grin says " I hate it, start over"......
My shoulders drooped, and I hung my head in despair, then some evil demon possessed me and I stood up straight, looked her square in the eyes, took a deep breath..... and then words start to leave my mouth...
(This usually happens too fast for me to stop whatever dumb comment I am so blindly about to blurt out.)
I am no longer allowed to threaten to lock my wife in the storm cellar and then park the car on the door so she can't get out.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
This will get me into more trouble than I was already in.
Email addresses
I am not allowed to post her fake email addresses on popular social networking sites when people ask for her new email address.
Her email address is not and never will be
Things kids say
One afternoon, after having been to several different stores looking at furniture, we decided to have dinner at steak place. This particular steak place, like many in Oklahoma had a western theme going.
We go in, get situated and order.
After a bit we are eating and talking and I am getting in trouble for instigating the boys. (this happens a lot)
One of the boys informs us that he has to use the little boys room. So I take him to the restroom.
He disappears into a stall and proceeds to take care of business. I stand patiently waiting and looking at the western decorations on the wall.
After a few minutes an older gentleman comes in and goes to the stall next to were the kiddo has decided to camp.
A few moments later, he breaks wind, it was loud....
From the stall were my wonderful kid is, I hear him exclaim "What the heck?".
The older man chuckles as I shush the kiddo.
It took quite a bit for me to not bust out laughing until we get to the table and I get to repeat this story for my wife to enjoy.....
Knitting Needles can be dangerous!!!!
I was browsing along when she started to have issues with her laptop.
Now she is very technically inclined. I know this, yet I still offer assistance.
She had already tried everything I suggested.
I began trying to think outside the box to offer some sort of assistance.
While I am pondering her computer related issues, she was becoming more and more agitated with her laptop.
I started to laugh and she gave me "THE LOOK". You know, the one that says tread lightly or today just won't be your day.
I couldn't help it. I very politely suggested she put away the laptop and get out the knitting needles.
Did you know that when held properly, knitting needles look to be very intimidating??????
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Lunch with the wife
Being almost late heading back from lunch, she asked that I drop her off at the door.
As we were pulling up to the door, I discovered that I am not allowed to ask her to open the door and jump as I drive by...... apparently, this is frowned upon.
But, she did let me survive for the rest of the day.
Sometimes I think she lets me survive only to watch me squirm in fear as I wonder how she will get even.
"Get over it"
I am never in any circumstance allowed to tell my wonderful wife to "Get over it". This never bodes well.
I am never allowed to tell a waitress that I plan on putting an ornery kid on Craigslist. Ever......
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
One Day I Just Might Learn...(but probably not)
Yesterday at work, she came over to visit me at my desk. While she was speaking with another co-worker, I snuck away to speak to my manager.
I very politely informed my manager that the individual now speaking with a co-worker was harassing me and asked to have her removed.
My manager, very kindly(and wisely) reminded me that if he were to have her removed, I would have to deal with her wrath when I got home.
I very quickly retracted my statement. For the moment I was safe....
I then told her about my conversation with my manager....
She very promptly informed me that with all of these stories making it to the web, if I were to disappear, no one would have any doubts as to why or who is responsible for my disappearance. ("Why" being the more important fact in this case.)
I wonder if my life insurance is up to date.....
Monday, October 3, 2011
And, She gets even.....
This particular time, it was yard work day.
I had been teaching one of the boys to mow the lawn.
I had given him basic instructions, started the lawn mower and now it is time to cut the grass.
I am standing in the yard with my glass of ice tea proudly watching the progress.
My wife comes out and sees that I'm supervising(not doing anything), and grabs the weedeater.
She starts trimming around the shrubs and mailbox.
This is when it gets real good. :)
A car full of people comes driving by with all of the windows down.
As the car passes the yard, she kills the weedeater, and turns to me and in her best Mexican accent yells out "it look ok sir, it look ok"..................
I was speechless....
I have to say, I completely deserved it!!!!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Flowers and such......
While driving around, we pass a Landscaping store. Juli looks over and says "oh, look at the pansies, I need to get some, purple, yellow and white and my favorites are the purple.I wonder if we can find some red ones."
I start laughing and point to the back seat where the boys are sitting and spout off "you have two brown pansie's in the back seat."
When my right arm goes numb, I can still drive with my left arm........
I am no longer allowed to refer to the boys as brown pansies.